FAQ Page - UHC Support Center

How many grams of protein one should have everyday?

In the Satvic food philosophy, we have no such parameter. The amount of protein one should have in a day greatly depends on their activity level, lifestyle, body time, digestion power, and age.

Ones who do high levels of physical activity in a day need a good amount of protein, which can be obtained through lentils, pulses, sprouts, nuts and seeds. On the other hand, those living a mostly sedentary lifestyle (exercising for just 1 hour a day, and spending the rest of the day mostly seated) need much lesser protein, which is easily fulfilled by following the lifestyle plan that we suggest on day 8 of the UHC.

Children, pregnant women and those who have a tendency to lose weight rapidly naturally need more protein. There are many plant-based sources of protein, as explained on day 8 of the UHC.