FAQ Page - UHC Support Center

Can I eat fruits for dinner instead of soup or salad, if I come late from the office?

In the Satvic food system, we suggest having at least one veggie-meal in the day (consisting of salads or lightly cooked veggies), and at least one fruit based meal. 

If you want to have fruits for dinner, there are two things you need to ensure : 

  1. You are still eating your veggie meal (either for breakfast or for lunch). So one way to make this possible would be to have a vegetable salad for breakfast, grain-meal (like roti-sabzi) for lunch, and fruits for dinner. 

    Some people eat a fruit meal for breakfast, a grain meal for lunch, and fruits again for dinner, thus totally missing out on the nutrition obtained from vegetables. This is NOT ideal.

  2. Do not consume fruits that are too sweet, such as mangoes, pineapple, etc. Instead, consume those fruits that are mild, and not too high in natural sugar. Consuming very sweet foods before sleep stimulates the body, and wakes you up, which is not what you want at night.