FAQ Page - UHC Support Center

Can I consume pure ahimsa/organic/A2 milk?

If one is selling cow milk as their means of survival, then most likely, service towards the cow is not their first priority. If the cow is their means to earn money, it's most likely that they will treat her like a machine, inject her and want her to produce more and more milk from her. 

So when the first intention is profit, the milk is most likely not ahimsa, or cruelty-free milk. It is a business. Oftentimes, labels like ahimsa, organic or A2, do not stand true to their meaning. These
labels do not safeguard the cows. They make us buy the product. They ease our conscience.

So in a gist, don't trust what's written on the packet. Unless you yourself have visited the farm, seen the cow, or met the farmer, our suggestion is to not blindly trust the label. It does not matter if it says A2, A1, Pure, Organic, Natural or Fresh. Take out a day and go visit the farm yourself, and if all seems good to you, that's great. You may take that milk without hesitation. 

However, for most of us living in cities, it's not possible to find cruelty-free milk. And hence, shifting to plant-based alternatives like coconut milk and almond milk is the best alternative.