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How to control cravings?

As discussed in the session, two powerful ways to control cravings are:

  1. Take consistent knowledge:
    Cravings arise when our senses are not in control. Our senses are driven by our mind (mann), which is driven by our intellect (buddhi), which is in turn driven by knowledge (gyaan). Therefore, the long-term solution to controlling our senses is to consistently feed ourselves with knowledge. How can you do this?
  1. Replace, don't remove:
    Make replacements for your favorite foods so that you don't deprive yourself of the foods you love. For example, if you love cake, make sugar-free vegan cake at home. If you love kheer, make Satvic kheer (as given in our Satvic recipe books). If you love namkeen, try out the namkeen recipes we shared in the recipe booklet on day 4. There are replacements for just about everything in our recipe books, from ice creams to biryanis, papdi chaat, nachos, and even pizza! You may order the Satvic recipe books here.

    In case it's difficult for you to make replacements, you may indulge sometimes. However, ensure that those indulgences are exceptions and do not become the norm.

Also remember that over time, as you keep following the Satvic way of life, you'll observe a natural shift in your choices. Your taste buds will adapt, and you will truly start relishing fresh, wholesome, natural foods. Gradually, you will not even need to practice control.